Make a Gift – Make a Difference
Chinook Village is a not-for-profit charity whose revenue comes from three sources: resident fees, interest and contributions.
Since our beginning in 1992 we have benefited from the generosity of individuals who support our mission of providing the highest quality housing and services for seniors. Through your gift we are able to bring relief and enhance the lives of seniors in our community. We thank you for your generosity.
An outright gift can come in the form of cash or cheques and will be used for benevolent care where the gift is used to provide assistance for residents with limited resources or for current benevolent support where the gift is used for current needs. You can also make your gift in honour or memory of someone. Gifts can be made by calling reception or sending it to the Chinook Village Care Society in the form of cash or cheques and/or through a credit card.
Naming a charitable organization such as Chinook Village Care Society as a beneficiary in a will is probably the most common, and for some individuals, the easiest way to provide a gift. You can designate a specific gift amount or percentage of the estate, and also indicate how you wish your gift to be used by Chinook Village. If you wish your gift to be used for Chinook Village’s general purposes, the language can simply say “for Chinook Village.”